Let's face it folks, there is a lawyer out there for every possible situation, but this isn't just about lawsuits! We want to keep all our members and fellow paddlers safe while having a great time on the water. With that in mind, here are some of our requirements:
1: Wear a properly fitted PFD (Personal Floatation Device) anytime you are on the water.
2: Be a competent swimmer.
3: Wear appropriate clothing: quick-dry, lightweight material (not cotton), wetsuits or drysuits for cold water situations.
4: Have a boat, paddle, and necessary equipment for the water you're planning to paddle. (Example: don't plan to take a flatwater boat into whitewater).
5: Don't paddle beyond your skill level. Know your limits!
6: Have a reasonable knowledge of the water conditions you are planning to paddle, and ensure that you have appropriate safety equipment. Recommended gear for all paddlers:
PFD (of course!)
first aid kit
emergency "space" blanket
helmet (if in a kayak with a sprayskirt or in water above class II)
20 feet of tubular webbing or camstraps
knife (if you have a rope, throwbag, webbing or camstraps, you MUST have a knife)
2-4 (real/load-bearing) carabiners, preferably locking
If everyone on a trip brings this gear, then combined there will be enough to deal with almost any emergency.
7: Never paddle alone. Always have at least a small group -- but be practiced in self-rescue.
8: Stay with your group and have a designated leader and sweep. Don't stray far behind or go off from the group.
9: Know how to properly use your gear and safety equipment. If you're unsure of proper use, find someone that can help you before hitting the water.
10: Understand the mechanics and makeup of a waterway: how to read the flow, what to watch out for while paddling, and how to handle yourself should an emergency situation arise.
11: Never paddle under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
If you have questions about any of this information, make sure to ask for clarification before you get on the water!
We reserve the right, as a club, to send any paddler home (or deny you permission to paddle with the club) if these rules are not followed! This is for your safety and the safety of everyone on the water.